There are many types of IP proxies. http proxy IP, free proxy IP, short-term high-quality proxy IP are words we often hear. How are IP proxies classified? What are its types?
Can proxy IPs be classified by time? How to classify?
1. Classification by time
According to the proxy IP, proxies can be divided into short-term proxies and long-term proxies, such as life cycle, validity period or life cycle.
2. Classification according to constant changes
According to whether it is constant, it can be divided into two types: dynamic and static. Dynamic proxy IPs often change, from a few seconds to tens of minutes, and static proxy IPs are fixed, from one day to two days, or even a year.
3. Classification by protocol
According to the classification of proxy IP protocols, it can generally be divided into http proxy IP protocols, https proxy IP protocols, and socks5 proxy IP uncommon protocols FTP proxy IP protocols, POP3 proxy protocols, Telnet protocols, etc.
4. Classification by anonymity
According to its anonymity, proxy IP is divided into transparent proxy IP, common proxy IP and high-anonymous proxy IP. Using transparent proxy IP will expose the real IP of the machine, using common proxy IP will expose the used proxy IP, and using high-anonymous proxy IP will not expose anything.
5. Classification by price
According to proxy IP, it can be divided into free proxy IP and paid proxy IP. Free proxy IP does not cost money, and the quality is very poor. Those who have used it say it is not good. There are many kinds of paid proxy IP, which is much better than free proxy IP.
6. Classification by purity
According to proxy IP, it can be divided into exclusive purity IP pool, shared IP pool, and shared IP. Exclusive IP pool is a proxy IP pool used by one person, and shared IP pool is a proxy IP pool used by multiple people. Shared IP pool is a proxy IP pool used by many people.
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